Designer Handbag Authentications

Jill's Consignment started providing designer handbag authentications in 1998. Our authentications have been accepted by PayPal, EBay, credit card companies and insurance companies. We stopped providing authentication services in 2007 in order to focus 100% on our main business, consignment of pre-owned designer bags. However, we're tired of seeing you unknowingly spend your hard earned money on a counterfeit bag, and decided to once again provide authentications.

We will authenticate any pre-owned Louis Vuitton, Chanel or Gucci bag that you are considering purchasing or have already purchased from any auction site, other resale website, or any resale and consignment brick & mortar stores. Authentications of pre-owned bags by the brands listed above are of our professional opinions. Our professional opinions come from over 23 years of experience in buying and selling pre-owned designer handbags by the brands listed above, and by familiarizing ourselves with the manufacturers established standards throughout the years.


Our fee for an immediate authentication is $25 and can be paid via Cash App. This is a simple yes it is authentic or no it isn’t authentic answer.

Send an email to [email protected] with a link to the item or pictures of the item along with your $cashapp ID. We’ll review your link or photos and send you a money request via Cash App. Once paid, we will tell you if the item is or is not authentic. We will try to provide an answer within a few hours of your request if made during business hours.

We may need more information from you and if so we will contact you. If for any reason we are unable to provide you an authentication, your payment will be refunded. Payments are NOT refundable based on the decision of authenticity/non-authenticity. Payments are only refunded if we unable to authenticate your item.